
Our booking page is under construction

Soon you will be able to book your Paint and Party experience online!

To reserve your place, please contact Joan on WhatApp  0704 424068

The price for a place at our public events is as follows:

Paint and Party at Serena Kampala – Ugx 100,000/person

Paint and Party at Zimbali Bistro and Lounge – UGX 90,000 per person

When making a booking on WhatsApp, Please indicate:

  • Your name
  • Your preferred participation date
  • Number of participants

You can pay or your Paint and Party experience with

  • MNT – 077 0662428 – Merchant Code 575389
  • Airtel – 074 425959 – Merchant Code 6480333

We will acknowlege and confirm your booking.

We will send you a receipt.

Please accept our apologies for this temporary inconvenience.