Zimbali Bistro and Lounge
Zimabali and Bistro is Kampala’s new home of premium dining. From the minute you step through the door, you inhale elegance and Zen. The lush vegetation and the secluded booth “mini lounges” give you the privacy you crave to drain away the stresses of the day.
The menu is rich with “I know I really shouldn’t but…” offerings. What will you delight in? A succulent snack? A bountiful BBQ? A festival of fine dining?
Paint and Party has partnered with this premium venue. Together we deliberate want to entice you to marry your creativity will your uncompromising delectation of the finer things in life.
Join us on a Saturday afternoon to learn to paint that masterpiece you always dreamed of. Remember all proceeds from Paint and Party go directly to support the project run by Feed a Million Mouths International. You will be supporting the feeding, education and art training of a street child or a slum child
Join us for a Paint and Party experience. Then you will say…
“I Paint! I Party! I Change a Life!”